What Is An Arborist?
An Arborist is a specially trained professional who deals with the art and science of planting, caring, maintaining, and diagnosing trees, shrubberies, and other woody plant life. These professionals have spent time and effort mastering their craft to properly and effectively manage the growth and development of trees.
What Do Arborists Do?
Sometimes referred to as a tree doctor or a tree surgeon, Arborists are often called upon to help assess the condition of trees, provide a diagnosis for potential diseases, and offer their recommendations on how to properly care and maintain the plants. In addition, Arborists are also asked to provide specific services such as tree pruning and trimming, drought mitigation, fertilization, insect and disease control, as well as to help layout preventive care for trees prior to the arrival of the spring season, known as seasonal tree care.
That’s right. Arborists are the defenders of trees.

They recognize the value that these majestic plants add to the environment, as well as your personal property. Did you know that by merely planting a tree in your property you significantly add to its resale value? Yes, provided that it’s planted the right way, in the right location, and is well-maintained and cared for. And who better to do all those things than a well trained Certified Arborist?
What is a Certified Arborist?
A Certified Arborist is someone who has gained extensive training, experience, and a high level of knowledge in the art and science of arboriculture. These professionals must also go through a comprehensive examination that will enable them to become Certified Arborist if they pass.
Now get this. Certified Arborists must continue to master their craft long after they receive their certification. This is so they can be constantly up-to-date with the latest technologies and techniques in the field of arboriculture if they wish to remain certified professionals.
Therefore, if you’re thinking about hiring a tree pro to take care of and maintain your trees, a Certified Arborist is the way to go. Anyone with a chainsaw can chop up tree branches and limbs and call it pruning. It’s the knowledge and expertise in the proper way of pruning, trimming, and removing trees that really makes a difference.
What Services Arborists Provide

Here’s the thing: If you don’t have trees in your property, then perhaps you won’t need to hire an Arborist. But then again, if you want to add beauty and value to your property, maybe hiring an Arborist to help you decide which trees to plant isn’t a bad idea.
On the other hand, if you already have fully grown trees and you want someone to check on their condition, then you definitely need to contact a Certified Arborist in your area.
Here are some of the services that Arborists can provide:
Tree Planting
It takes a lot of knowledge and expertise to properly plant trees. You have to think about the right location to plant it (taking into account its size when fully grown), the right tree species to plant that’s appropriate for your region, as well as the care and maintenance it requires especially during the early stage of development.
Tree Pruning
There are specific techniques and methods that go into proper tree pruning. Additionally, there are a variety of reasons why pruning a tree is necessary, whether it’s a disease, storm damage, safety, or esthetics. A Certified Arborist can help assess the tree’s condition and determine whether or not it needs pruning.
Tree Care and Maintenance
Trees require care and maintenance on a regular basis, especially for preventive purposes prior to winter and for assessment purposes after the cold harsh season, to check for potential damage and to help the tree recover quickly.
Tree Removal
Most people seem to think that there’s not much to tree removal. Any tree company or service can do it. Here’s the thing though: For most tree professionals, tree removal is usually the primary solution when dealing with trees that have sustained damage.
For an Arborist, however, tree removal is treated as a last resort. The first thing that goes through their minds is how to save the tree. Not how to remove it.
At American Arborists, we care about trees and the safety of you and your family. Contact us or call (775) 352-4241 for all your tree service needs in Reno and the surrounding areas.